“Writing correctly is trendy!”

Wed, Dec 14, 2022, 4:39 AM

The word is the most perfect means of communication. The novelty is achieved by the word. As time passes modern people are not achieving literacy. MS Word and newfangled gadgets help us to write “correctly”. Programs correct errors, but not all. The ability of a person to think about the correct writing of the text is losing; there is no desire to increase the level of knowledge of the language.

How can writing skills be improved? Teachers of the Russian language of the Pedagogical Institute of Astana International University have answered to this question. To draw students' attention to the issues of writing literacy, philologists G.K. Kozhagulova and T.D. Abzhakov organized a competition of dictations “Literacy in writing” for 1st year students with the Kazakh language of instruction, in which 947 students took part.

Dictation as a type of activity is relevant and effective in the work on the formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students. With the systematic use of different types of dictations, it is possible to achieve high results in the formation of competent writing. During the competition, the organizers of the event set goals: to form a fashionable direction in acquiring literacy, introduced students to the criteria for evaluating dictations. The motto of the event was the words: “Writing correctly is trendy!”.

Thus, within the framework of the decade of the Russian language, the first round of the Literacy Writing competition was launched, with the aim of increasing the level of literacy in the field of Russian language proficiency. Philology teachers determined in their groups the most literate, without erroneously writing student. After 100% enrollment of first-year students, 65 students were selected to participate in the 2nd round of the competition (1 person from the group).

In the 2nd round, the contestants were offered an excerpt from M. Shakhanov's work "The Steppe - the Keeper of History" for writing. Following the results of checking dictations, there were practically no mistakes recorded, only 13 students have made mistakes. The touching excitement of the winners was replaced by the joy of achieving success, because they did an excellent job.

In a solemn atmosphere, the organizers announced the results of the final round of the competition. The winners were waiting for awards. With words of congratulations and gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event, Akhmadiyeva Zhanna Kuanyshevna, Deputy Director of the Pedagogical Institute, presented the certificates:

1st place

Omirzakov Adilet, Chemistry-22 gr.

Mahmudkyzy Ayganym, Biology (n) - 22 gr.

Dokey Dayana, FL ps 22-7 gr.

2nd place

Ermekova Aiym, MusEdu -22 gr.

Zhagalbay Inzhu, gr. PMPE -22 gr.

Talap Aisha, FL 22-1gr.

Baisariyeva Zhazira, Biology (n) – 22 gr.

Sagyndykova Araylym, KL-22 gr.

3rd place

Asilova Kamila, FL ps 22-14 gr.

Shamenova Zarina, IR-22 gr.

Kuanyshbek Asemay, FL ps 22-11 gr.

Seisenbek Amina, FL ps 22-12 gr.

Asanbay Alua, KL-22 gr.

The decade is continuing... We invite all university students to actively participate in the events of the decade of the Russian language, take part in competitions and gain invaluable experience that will allow them to grow intellectually and achieve high results.

Sincerely, Candidate of Philology, prof. G.K. Kozhagulova