Fri, Dec 9, 2022, 2:19 PM

Within the framework of the signed memorandum between Green Tal LLP and the Higher School of Economics, the Social Innovation Laboratory has been operating at Astana International University since September 2022. The purpose of the laboratory is to involve university students in the development of social projects and social entrepreneurship.

During the period from September to December of this year, such events were held as: an organizational meeting with students on the issue of interest in the topic of social entrepreneurship, the participation of the head of the Laboratory Okutaeva S.T. and the director of development Green Tal Kabdykesheva D.S. as members of the jury at the competition of social projects of the School of Social Entrepreneurship "Өрелі ұрпақ", an application for the competition was submitted Alumni Grants Program from the American Embassy to conduct the project "Laboratory of Social Innovation" on the basis of the laboratory, guest lectures were held with the founder of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan Emin Askerov and a social entrepreneur on environmental protection, the founder of the company "" by Miras Abbasov, an interactive on the topic of social projects was held for 1st year students of the Higher School of Economics. According to the scientific block of works, an application was submitted to the GF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Development and approbation of methods of employment of socially vulnerable segments of the population", № AP19676100, a scientific article was published by S.T. Okutaeva and D.S. Kabdykesheva in the journal "Astana International University" on the topic "Development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan".