AIU Faculty Members Awarded the Bolashak Scholarship

Thu, Dec 26, 2024, 1:44 PM

The Republican Commission for Training Specialists Abroad has approved the list of recipients of the Bolashak International Scholarship for 2024. This prestigious list includes 271 Kazakh citizens, of whom 136 will pursue master's degrees, 8 will enroll in doctoral programs, and 127 will undergo internships at leading universities and research centers worldwide.
We are proud to announce that the following faculty members from Astana International University are among the scholarship recipients:
• Saltanat Bulatovna Abeuova – Lecturer at the School of Natural Sciences.
• Aigerim Yergalievna Ibraeva – Lecturer at the School of Information Technologies and Humanities.
Receiving the Bolashak Scholarship provides our faculty with vast opportunities for professional and scientific development. They will deepen their knowledge, exchange experiences with global colleagues, and apply their acquired competencies to enhance the educational process at the university.
The Bolashak Scholarship is rightly considered one of the most significant mechanisms for preparing competitive personnel for Kazakhstan.
Astana International University is proud of its faculty and wishes them successful studies, productive work abroad, and new achievements that will contribute to the development of science and education in Kazakhstan! 🌍🎓
The complete list of scholarship recipients is published on the official website