"University Psychological Quiz"

Mon, Dec 23, 2024, 9:43 AM

As part of "Psychology Week," on December 6, 2024, the university hosted a vibrant and exciting event – the "University Psychological Quiz."
The event aimed to engage youth in competitions and scientific activities, as well as to popularize psychology among students.

The competition consisted of three stages:

  1. Psychological testing – tasks designed to assess knowledge and skills in the field of psychology.
  2. Media questions – questions prepared by invited guests: psychologists and university lecturers from various regions of the country.
  3. Case-solving – practical application of knowledge through analyzing and proposing solutions to real-life situations.

Five teams, each consisting of six members, participated in the competition:
“Psyche,” “Maslow's Team,” “Gorilla Energy,” “Gestalt,” and “Psychology Cops.”

An interesting feature was the mixed composition of the teams, which included students from different academic years. This allowed participants to combine experience and fresh ideas to solve the given tasks.

The competition was judged by a panel of experts:
Sisenova A.T., Kabyll A.N., and Zhumatova N.Zh.

The event was organized by:
Third-year students of the "Psychology-22B" group – Gusak Daniil, Bolatkyzy Samal, and Zhamekenova Elnura, under the guidance of their curator, Zhumatova Nurshat Zhumatkyzy.

The winners were determined after three stages:

  • 1st place and a Diploma of the 1st Degree – the team "Psychology Cops": Zhunuspaeva Alina Zhulatovna, Dyusenov Daniyar Balgabayuly, Gafarova Aida Rustamovna, Aksenova Polina Andreevna, Yesenbayeva Aym Bolatkyzy, and Syzdykova Diana Ruslanovna.
  • 2nd place and a Diploma of the 2nd Degree – the team "Maslow's Team": Abish Umit Nurlankyzy, Abdrakhmanova Adel Kairatovna, Onegova Elena Alexandrovna, Popova Elizaveta Vitalyevna, Raaz Ekaterina Alexandrovna, and Narymbayeva Dilyara Muratovna.
  • 3rd place and a Diploma of the 3rd Degree – the team "Psyche": Shapoval Snezhana Sergeyevna, Allabergenov Zhanibek Aybekuly, Manaskyzy Aidana, Nurpeisova Tamiris Samatovna, Fedorenko Kseniya Demyanovna, and Obukhova Arina Vladimirovna.

All participants received certificates for taking part in the "University Psychological Quiz."

The event took place in a friendly and enthusiastic atmosphere. It became not only a platform for testing knowledge but also an opportunity for students from different academic years to interact, share experiences, and showcase their abilities.

The organizers express their gratitude to everyone who participated, supported, and helped in holding the competition.

Special thanks are extended to the following professionals for their questions and fruitful cooperation in the framework of the quiz:

  • Slampekov Yerlan Talgatbekuly (Aktau International School)
  • Talpakova Moldir Zhumabekkyzy (Ualikhanov University)
  • Shaimerdenov Zhantore Zhanatuly (Esil University)
  • Kabyllgaliyeva Aigerim Yerlanovna (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University)
  • Abeldinova Asol Tolenovna (Mailim Children's Development Center)
  • Zhumagulova Mariyam Nurlanovna (Psychological Center "Mariyam Zhumagulova")
  • Akhmetzhanova Altynay Kuanishevna (Behavioral Analyst).

The "University Psychological Quiz" is a vivid example of how student initiatives can inspire new achievements in scientific and educational activities!