The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kazakhstan, Nico Schermers, visited AIU

Wed, Dec 18, 2024, 11:23 AM

Today, Astana International University warmly welcomed the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kazakhstan, Nico Schermers. During the visit, a meeting was held with the university's leadership and faculty, and prospects for cooperation in the fields of education and science were discussed.

Special attention was given to the guest lecture delivered by the Ambassador to the students and faculty. In his speech, Nico Schermers emphasized the importance of working with young people, noting that students are at a crucial stage in their lives and can serve as bridges between countries. "If they spend time in the Netherlands or get to know their peers from Kazakhstan, it will create lasting ties between our countries," said Nico Schermers.

During the meeting, issues related to inviting foreign professors and students for semester exchanges were discussed, which would allow for gradually deepening academic ties between universities of the two countries. The role of embassies in opening doors and creating opportunities for the development of informational and academic connections was also emphasized.

This visit will open new horizons for students of Astana International University and serve as a foundation for strengthening cultural and educational ties between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands.

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