"Journey into the World of Oscillations and Waves": Conference Lesson for Group "Physics-24"

Thu, Dec 12, 2024, 7:31 AM

On December 10, 2024, AIU hosted a conference lesson on the topic "Oscillations and Waves" for the students of group "Physics-24". Under the guidance of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kasenova Leila Galymbekovna, the event became an engaging journey into the world of science, practical experiments, and creative ideas.

The aim of the conference was to deepen the understanding of mechanical oscillations and waves, as well as to showcase students' practical skills and creative projects. During the event, participants presented their projects, including:

  • Interactive games such as Sudoku and Quizizz tests.
  • Experiments using mathematical and spring pendulums to determine free fall acceleration and spring stiffness.
  • Virtual experiments with the Phet simulator, including a mathematical pendulum and interference phenomena.
  • Graph creation for functions using Python programming.
  • Development of a seismograph model and calculation of the wavelength of musical notes.
  • Analysis of Dimash Kudaibergen’s vocals based on the song Stranger, including modeling sound waves.
  • Simulation of sound waves in different environments using an audio editor.
  • Demonstration of the positive effects of sound frequencies on human health.
  • Visualization of sound through experimental methods.
  • Conducting experiments demonstrating oscillations in everyday life.
  • A fascinating journey into the fairy-tale world of "The Kingdom of Oscillations and Waves."

The conference concluded with an inspiring quote by the great American physicist Nikola Tesla:
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

This conference lesson was not only a significant milestone in the students' education but also a vivid example of the seamless integration of science and creativity.