Literary Salon Meeting Dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of Saken Seifullin

Tue, Dec 10, 2024, 9:26 AM

As part of the Russian Language and Literature Week, the Pedagogical Institute of AIU held a Literary Salon meeting on the topic "Poetry Calls Us Far Away...", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the great Kazakh figure, poet, and writer Saken Seifullin.

The event was organized under the guidance of Associate Professor Talgatbek Duyssenbekovich Abzhakov and Narmanova Razia Ibragimovna. First-year students from the Kazakh department of non-linguistic specialties prepared a rich and informative program, including:

  • A presentation and video about the life and creative path of Saken Seifullin;
  • Expressive readings of the poet's poems;
  • A colorful display board with information about his literary heritage.

The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, providing students with a unique opportunity to engage with the work of one of the key figures in Kazakh literature.

For their active participation and creative approach, students were awarded certificates from the Dean's Office of the Pedagogical Institute of AIU.

We congratulate the participants on the successful event and thank them for their contribution to popularizing Kazakhstan's literary heritage!