Success of the AIU Pedagogical Institute Team at the III International Chemistry Olympiad

Thu, Dec 5, 2024, 10:12 AM

The team leader, Head of the "Chemistry, Biology, Geography" department of the AIU Pedagogical Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor Nurgalieva Damen Aukeyevna, shared her impressions of the students' results at the III International Chemistry Olympiad among university students, held from November 25 to 30, 2024, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

– International student chemistry competitions are less frequent than school ones. This Olympiad was the first in-person event in a long time, as it had previously been conducted online. Our team's participation in such a large-scale intellectual event brought significant results. In the individual competition, our students won three medals: one silver and two bronze. The silver medalist was first-year student Qali Asanali Manarbekuly, while the bronze medals were won by fourth-year student Kairov Nurlan Muradovich and first-year student Akramov Aslanbek Altynbekuly. The winners were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

The Olympiad was organized by Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University. The event brought together over 200 students from 13 countries, including Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Romania, Japan, and Turkmenistan.

– The Olympiad consisted of two challenging theoretical rounds, each lasting three hours. Participants had to demonstrate their knowledge in inorganic, physical, organic, and analytical chemistry. We take special pride in the fact that our students competed in Category A, among those studying the "Chemistry" major, and still achieved outstanding results, surpassing representatives from some of the world's leading universities. Notably, our students were the only pedagogical direction team represented at the Olympiad.

According to Damen Aukeyevna, the Olympiad tradition is mainly characteristic of Eastern Europe and Asia, which traditionally achieve high results in international competitions. Among the participants were such renowned universities in the Olympiad movement as Kazan Federal University, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Novosibirsk State University, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University, as well as universities from China, Iran, Japan, and other countries.

– Second-year student Moiseenko Amadey Vladimirovich, participating for the first time, was also recognized for his insightful presentation at the International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Improving Chemistry Teaching Methodology and Modern Development of Chemical Technologies," where our students earned prizes for active participation in all three sections of the conference.

Damen Aukeyevna emphasized that the team's success was the result of their hard work and high level of preparation:
– Our students are multiple-time winners and prize-winners of national and international Olympiads Kairov Nurlan Muradovich is a four-time silver medalist of regional school Olympiads and a two-time silver medalist of the XV and XVI national Olympiads among students. Qali Asanali Manarbekuly is a winner and prize-winner of numerous international Olympiads, including the International Mendeleev Olympiad. Akramov Aslanbek Altynbekuly is a winner and prize-winner of the International Al-Biruni Olympiad. Their achievements are the pride of our university.

The team demonstrated a high level of preparation, enabling them to compete with representatives of such prestigious universities as the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Belarusian State University, Saitama University (Japan), Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești (Romania), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran), and many others.

– I would like to express my special gratitude to AIU President Serik Aztayevich, First Vice-President Anar Bazarovna, Financial Director Almas Tynyshbayevich, and the Director of the Pedagogical Institute Zhanna Kuanyshevna for their support in organizing our participation in the Olympiad. I would also like to note the high level of organization and hospitality shown by the Turkmen side.

In addition, I want to thank my students for their resilience, patience, diligence, and hard work — all of which contributed to our overall success. May this achievement be only the beginning of even greater heights to come. I wish you happiness, confidence, and success!

AIU Associate Professor, Department Head Nurgalieva D.A.