Tue, Nov 26, 2024, 8:05 AM

From November 11 to 15, 2024, the Higher School of Economics hosted a week dedicated to financial literacy and the current trends in the world of finance. The event brought together students from all economic educational programs for a series of engaging activities designed to enhance their understanding of the financial services industry.

The week kicked off with a roundtable discussion where students had the opportunity to interact with industry experts and delve into pressing issues within the field of finance. Topics ranged from global economic trends to the future of financial technologies, offering students a comprehensive overview of the financial landscape.

Throughout the week, guest lectures were held by prominent financial professionals, giving students insight into real-world financial practices and the latest developments in the industry. These lectures also provided valuable networking opportunities for students, as they had the chance to engage with seasoned experts and learn from their experiences.

In addition to the educational sessions, a series of interactive events were organized to foster student participation and motivation. The popular "Your Game" quiz challenged students' knowledge of financial concepts in a fun and competitive setting, while a competition for the best wall newspaper encouraged creativity and collaboration among students as they explored various financial topics.

The Finance Week was not only a chance for students to deepen their understanding of finance but also an opportunity to celebrate their achievements. At the end of the week, the winners of the quiz and the wall newspaper competition were announced and awarded, recognizing their hard work and enthusiasm.

The event proved to be a resounding success, leaving students with a deeper appreciation for the financial sector and its dynamic nature. The Higher School of Economics looks forward to hosting more events like this, helping students stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving financial world.