AIU Included in the Kazakh National H-index Ranking 2024

Thu, Nov 21, 2024, 11:06 AM

Astana International University has achieved 77th place out of 99 organizations in the Kazakh National H-index Ranking 2024.

This independent international ranking evaluates the scientific productivity and impact of Kazakhstani universities, research groups, and scholars based on the Hirsch index (H-index). The ranking is based on data from leading scientometric platforms, including Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.

For a university with just six years of history, this is a significant achievement, reflecting our progress in scientific research, the quality of our publications, and our contribution to academic development.

We extend our gratitude to our researchers, faculty members, and students for their hard work and dedication. AIU will continue to strengthen its position, enhance its research potential, and promote Kazakhstani science on the international stage.

#AIU #KazakhHIndexRanking #Science #Development