Information on educational grants "Qazakhstan khalqyna"!

Thu, Aug 10, 2023, 6:00 AM

Friends, the public Foundation "Kazakhstan halkyna" allocated 850 educational grants for the 2023-2024 academic year.

To begin with, let's tell you who can participate in the competition under this program:

Graduates who passed the UNT in the current year (January, March, basic and August can be presented with one of the UNT certificates) and scored threshold points for admission to universities:

✔️persons from low-income families in rural areas, small and single-industry towns;

✔️orphans or children left without parental care until the age of majority;

✔️citizens with disabilities;

✔️families raising disabled children;

✔️Children of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who died during the tragic January events of 2022;

✔️Children injured during the tragic January events of 2022;

✔️children of dead citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who suffered in emergency situations.

The maximum age for participation in the program is 29 years.

Application deadline: August 10-17.

Documents must be submitted through the admissions committees of universities.

Important: the grant holder is not obliged to repay it after completing his studies.

Detailed information published on the website and social networks of the foundation.