Republican seminar: the best methods from AIU teachers

Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 7:47 AM

🌟 On October 22-23, Astana International University hosted a large-scale seminar for teachers of humanities, dedicated to preparing schoolchildren for Olympiads in Kazakh and Russian languages and literature. The event brought together teachers from all regions of the country! 🎉

🎯 The purpose of the seminar is to help teachers raise their professional skills to a new level and equip them with the tools needed to prepare students for the Olympiads. Participants had the opportunity to listen to presentations from the leading educators at AIU: Associate Professor and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Rezuanova Galiyabana Kabievna; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Associate Professor, Abzhakov Talgatbek Duisenbekovich; and Senior Lecturer and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Abildinova Zhanar Berikovna. 🏆

💡 The seminar program included practical workshops where teachers learned to:

  • competently write research papers and inspire students to explore science 🔍;
  • create high-quality essays that meet modern requirements and evaluation criteria 📝;
  • avoid common mistakes students often make during Olympiads 🚫.

🌈 The conclusion of the seminar was especially rewarding: participants expressed heartfelt thanks to AIU educators for their helpful, informative presentations and voiced interest in AIU’s academic programs and student life. Many even promised to share these exciting opportunities with their students! 🎓

🌍 The seminar not only strengthened ties between educational institutions nationwide but also opened new avenues for cooperation and knowledge exchange, inspiring teachers to grow and develop alongside Astana International University. 🌱