A reward for achievements in the debate! 🎉

Thu, Oct 24, 2024, 9:25 AM

We are pleased to announce that our student Serikov Dulat has been awarded a letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan! 🏆

This award is a well—deserved recognition of his significant contribution to the preparation of the winner of the republican debate tournament among students. But this is not just public speaking: This is a story about how Dulat actively develops the debate movement, inspiring young people to show their active lifestyle. 💬✨

In addition, the Republican Educational and Methodological Center for Additional Education expressed sincere gratitude to Dulat for his role in shaping civic views and patriotism among young people.

These successes not only inspire students to participate in public life, but also form an active and conscious civic position, which is extremely important for the future of our society.  🌍💪