Environmental lesson: How climate affects the future of the Earth

Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 9:07 AM

Today, senior PhD teacher of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Ayman Beisembaevna Karabalaeva, conducted an exciting environmental lesson on the theme "The Power of Climate" for 9th grade students of the Binom Lyceum named after Y. Altynsarina!

The topic of the lesson "The Power of Climate" revealed to students many important aspects of climate change, their causes and consequences for the planet. Ayman Beisembayevna explained how human activity — from industrial production to changes in natural landscapes — intensifies climatic shifts, which leads to serious consequences such as melting glaciers, sea level rise and extreme weather events. 

The influence of climate is evident in every corner of the Earth: from the warming of the Arctic to droughts in Africa and wildfires in Australia. Ayman Karabalayeva also spoke in detail about the greenhouse effect and how the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere causes an increase in the average temperature on the planet. This knowledge allowed the students to understand the global scale of the problem and the importance of international efforts to combat climate change.

The power of Climate is not only its destructive influence, but also an opportunity for humanity to change the situation. The students learned how each of us can influence the future of the Earth. Simple actions such as saving energy, eliminating single-use plastics, using renewable energy sources, recycling waste and planting trees can have a significant positive impact on the climate.

During the lesson, Ayman Beisembayevna used fascinating interactive tasks and quizzes to consolidate students' knowledge. The guys actively participated in the discussions, offered their ideas on reducing the carbon footprint and learned about existing international environmental initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and reforestation programs.

👏🏼 We are confident that such initiatives contribute to the formation of environmental awareness among young people and inspire them to take active actions to protect the environment! This knowledge lays the foundation for a more responsible attitude towards nature and a future in which man lives in harmony with the environment.

Career guidance was also conducted during the lesson, where high school students learned about professions in the field of ecology, climatology and renewable energy sources. Such professions are not only relevant, but also extremely important for the sustainable development of the planet.

#Ecological Lesson #Climate Science #Education #Climatic Changes #Ecology #Lyceum University #Astana #Future Planets