1st year students of the specialty 6b01504 Geography from May 25 to June 4, 2024 under the guidance of teachers of the Pedagogical Institute Samarkhanov T. N., Sagynbaeva A. B. conducted training and field practice in the cities of Abay region, Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Katon-Karagay District of East Kazakhstan region. During the year, he strengthened his theoretical knowledge in practice.

Mon, Jul 1, 2024, 7:04 AM

1st year students of the specialty 6b01504 Geography from May 25 to June 4, 2024 under the guidance of teachers of the Pedagogical Institute Samarkhanov T. N., Sagynbaeva A. B. conducted training and field practice in the cities of Abay region, Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Katon-Karagay District of East Kazakhstan region. During the year, he strengthened his theoretical knowledge in practice. He was able to see tourist and recreational facilities, historical and cultural monuments, sacred places with his own eyes, master the methods of Field Research in the subjects studied in nature. The students got acquainted with the history and history of the great places of Abai, including the state historical, cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abai "Zhidebay-Borili" in Semey, the Museum of the Nevzorov family, Colonel island, Kuukbay batyr spring and pass, outer Kaskabulak, yeraly plain, the mausoleum of Enlik-Kebek, Abai's House of Museum in Zhidebay, the Abay-Shakarim memorial complex, The Museum House of M. Auezov in Borili, received full-fledged information. In Ust-Kamenogorsk, he climbed the mountain of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan and saw the confluence of the Irtysh and Ulba rivers.  Passing through the village of Enbek, Katon-karagay district, he saw with his eyes the Berel state historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum, Historical Monuments of the Tumsa nature reserve, the celestial Museum on the Tsarist plain. In the vicinity of the village of enbek, they set up tents along the Bukhtarma River and did their field work. Students studied and analyzed the plant of their location, determined the number and type of herbarium. In the group, he made a topographic map of the local area by drawing objects on a piece of paper.  Following the route of the northern slope of the garlic ridge of the Southern Altai mountain, he climbed to an altitude of 1600 m.he completed the task given by the leaders and got acquainted with the vegetation cover. In combination with the practice of past theoretical knowledge in the subject of soil science, they took a cross-section of the soil, measured each layer, took soil samples and determined morphological features. Students from different regions of Kazakhstan successfully spent their days seeing different terrain with their own eyes! In accordance with the main purpose of the practice, students consolidated theoretical knowledge, skills of observation of geographical phenomena and processes, giving a description of the natural components and geographical features of the region, mastered the methods of natural field research, increased geographical thinking, improved the skills of chamber processing of field materials, learned to identify and analyze the interrelationships between the main natural complexes. In addition, the practice is of great cultural, spiritual and educational importance. Students learned to use time sparingly, organize their time correctly, fulfill the assigned task and set goals.

Our students came back from this practice with a great feeling, having spent an impressive day. We express our gratitude to the leadership of Astana International University for the opportunity to spend memorable days, spiritual and cultural values, as well as education.