Defense of graduation projects

Tue, Jun 4, 2024, 4:19 AM

The defense of diploma projects is the main result of the five–year period of study of students in the specialty 6B02101 – Design. Between May 20-22, 2014, twenty–two graduates of the Higher School of Art and Design presented their theses to the State Attestation Commission. The work of the commission was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Quality Management Department of the Kazakh National University of Arts Soltanbaeva Gulnar Shaimerdenovna.

The graduation papers of graduates of the Higher School of Art and Design are always distinguished by their original, creative approach. This year, our students also presented an extremely diverse range of topics for their design projects.

A number of student projects have an important socio-cultural orientation, for example, "Transformation of the subject-spatial environment of the hostel into a student dormitory in Astana" (Eshmurat P.), "Visual concept of the speech correction center "Rechevita" (Murzatova A.), "Creation of the corporate identity of the cafe of Korean gastronomy "Hondae" (Chen Yu.), "Design-the concept of the architectural and landscape environment of the recreation area in the village of Zhibek Zholy", etc. The Commission highly appreciated the creative potential of the final qualifying works "Development of the design project of the popular science magazine "Design in comics" (Tulkibai E.), "Development of the storyline and visual concept of the computer game "Pluton" (Fedotova A.), "Design concept of the visual world of the game "GALAM".

At the end of the defense procedure, the chairman of the state attestation commission Soltanbaeva G. Sh. gave a detailed description of each submitted project and wished our graduates to always follow the best design principles in everything – ergonomics, functionality, aesthetics.