International Union of Artists and Educators and Colloquium "Museums and art communities: the experience of interaction and integration"

Tue, Jun 4, 2024, 4:15 AM

On May 21, 2024, within the framework of the international project "The Art of Dialogue", organized under the auspices of the International Union of Art Educators, a colloquium was held on the topic "Museums and art communities: the experience of interaction and integration". The project was organized by the corporate foundation "Museum of the First President" in collaboration with the Nevsky Palette Housing and Communal Services, the Russian House in Astana, the Children's Art School (UNESCO Club) of Astana, the Kazakh National University of Arts and the Higher School of Art and Design of Astana International University.

The speakers who took part in the colloquium discussed the possibilities of international communication and technologies of cooperation in the field of art education, various aspects of the competition and exhibition activities of the International Union of Artists and Teachers. The Higher School of Art and Design of the AIU was represented by art historian, PhD, Associate Professor G. N. Povalyashko with a report "Current museum practices and cultural mediation".

The work of the colloquium ended with the admission of new members to the International Union of Artists. Certificates of this status organization were received by Deputy dean of the HSE Daumenova Ella Talgatovna, senior teachers Mukhamedieva Samal Konyrtaevna and Shaimerden Srim Sakenuly, associate professor Galina Nikolaevna Povalyashko.