Fri, May 17, 2024, 11:51 AM

2nd year doctoral student at the Higher School of Law Saulet Kozhakhmetova completed a scientific internship from April 11 to May 11, 2024 at the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Republic of Poland.

The purpose of the scientific internship is to familiarize yourself with innovative technologies and new types of scientific results.

University of Warsaw (Polish: Uniwersytet Warszawski) - founded in 1816, is the best higher education institution in Poland, included in the top 3% of universities in the world. According to data for 2023, more than 40 thousand students have access to 100 or more educational programs in the field of humanities, social and natural sciences. Students study more than 35 different languages of the world. According to the QS World University Rankings 2023, the University of Warsaw is ranked 262nd.

Scientific internship by Kozhakhmetova S. took place at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Warsaw. This faculty was founded in 1975. Training at the faculty is also conducted in English: Political Science, International Relations and European Politics and Economics and etc.

The Faculty of Political Science and International Relations is one of the largest research institutions in Central Europe. The faculty consists of more than 180 researchers who work on the implementation of more than 20 research grants. The faculty has 3,500 students and about 100 doctoral students. Every year, the scientific achievements of the faculty increase by several dozen publications: articles, periodicals, books and scientific events: conferences and seminars. Within the framework of international cooperation, Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, University of Warsaw has almost 250 agreements concluded with foreign university centers.

The faculty has been headed since 2020 by Dr. Hub. Mr. Daniel Przastek. 

The scientific internship of Saulet Kozhakhmetova was supervised by her foreign scientific consultant, Mr. Jacek Zalesny Dr. hub. 

Pan Jacek Zalesny is a Polish political scientist, habilitated Doctor of Law in Constitutional Law, academic lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Warsaw and Lazarski University. In 2004 he received a Doctor of Humanities degree (topic: Constitutional responsibility in Poland during the period of political transformation). In 2016, based on the scientific work: “The State Duma and the Government in the Russian Federation,” he received the degree of a habilitated doctor of legal sciences. Dr hab. Jacek Zalesny is also a member of the Polish Society of Constitutional Law.

Upon completion of the scientific internship, Kozhakhmetova S. successfully achieved the goal and completed all planned activities (details in the Report).