On April 12 of this year, an ecology week was held at school-lyceum No. 95 in Astana

Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 9:29 AM

On April 12 of this year, an ecology week was held at school-lyceum No. 95 in Astana. The event was attended by teachers and students of the Pedagogical Institute and the Higher School of Natural Sciences of Astana International University. As part of the event, Zhumagalieva Zharkyn Zhakievna, associate professor of the pedagogical institute, gave a lecture on the topic «Ecological state of natural waters» to 9th grade students. After the lecture, 3rd year students of the educational program 6B01502 «Biology» conducted various experiments on ecology. At the same time, Karabalaeva Aiman Beisembayevna PhD, senior teacher at the Higher School of Natural Sciences, provided general information on the environmental situation in Kazakhstan and conducted career guidance work about Astana International University among students in grades 9-11. The students were shown video materials about the university and were given booklets.