Training “What is corruption and how to fight it?”

Wed, Dec 22, 2021, 8:59 AM

12/22/2021. Teachers of the Higher School of Art and Design, masters of arts Imangalieva G.A. Didar Sh.T. and Mukhamedieva S.K. conducted a training “What is corruption and how to fight it?”

Form of delivery: training with discussion elements for students.

Goal: to promote the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among students. Tasks:

Educational: characterize the concepts of “corruption”, “corruption”, introduce the forms of manifestation of corruption, its consequences and ways to combat it.

Developmental: broaden the horizons of students, develop the basics of search activity, form their own worldview on the problems of modern society, contribute to the formation of a stable position on the prevention of corruption in the country. Develop the ability to work in groups and express their opinions.

Educational: to cultivate responsibility for one’s own actions and actions, consciousness and social activity in adolescents. At the emotional level, form a rejection of corrupt behavior.