At an organ music concert

Tue, Feb 28, 2023, 3:18 AM

Teachers at the Higher School of Art and Design see their mission as attracting students from all Higher Schools to the world of art and offer various forms of participation in this process.

On February 16, a concert by the famous Kazakh organist Saltanat Abilkhanova took place in the Organ Hall of the Kazakh National University of Art. She performed organ masterpieces by brilliant composers of the 16th-19th centuries. Music gave powerful aesthetic impressions to 2nd year students studying in the specialty “Mathematics”, “History”, “Physics”, “Chemistry”, “Early Studies”. And visiting the concert became a continuation of the theoretical module of “Cultural Studies” as an academic discipline. The students visited the organ hall for the first time and were impressed by the powerful sound capabilities of the largest musical instrument.

After the concert, Associate Professor of KazNUI, laureate of International competitions, Excellence in Culture Saltanat Abilkhanova kindly took a photo with our students.