AIU and NVGU signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of art and design

Tue, Apr 4, 2023, 11:27 AM

For the management of Astana International University, systematic efforts to expand the volume and geography of international scientific communication are a priority. The circle of communication partners included Nizhnevartovsk State University.

This large educational institution in Western Siberia consists of six faculties, five of which are similar to the five Higher Schools of our university. For both universities, this means a significant amount of joint work in the field of organizing scientific and practical conferences and seminars with discussion of the results of research activities, sharing experience in introducing new educational technologies at the university in the context of modernization of education, conducting internships for teachers, and working in joint scientific projects.

The cooperation agreement allows students of the Faculty of Art and Design of NSU and the similar Higher School of MUA to double their creative potential through the exchange of creative ideas, joint exhibition projects, and startups. Examples of student cooperation can be projects that have cultural and social significance. Further informational and creative interaction will be a good professional motivation for students and teachers of both universities.

Communication in the higher education system is an attributive characteristic of the dynamics of a modern university. The counter-movement towards cooperation between Astana International University and Nizhnevartovsk State University will serve as a new impetus for teachers and students of both universities to improve the educational process and grow their research potential.