Astana International University (AIU) expands scientific horizons with Germany

Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 9:58 AM

International Astana University (hereinafter - AIU) has won the scientific project GUCAE-Consolidate with the support of the German Ministry of Education and Science under the leadership of the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Countries in Transition (hereinafter - IAMO). 

The consortium of foreign partners along with Astana International University (AIU) from Central Asia includes: International Agricultural University IAU (Uzbekistan, Tashkent), (TBC), Institute of System Analysis and Development of Agricultural Economics (Tajikistan, TBC) and Ashgabat Agrarian Institute (TBC). 

The main objective of the international project is to develop research skills of PhDs, postdoctoral fellows, young researchers and PhD doctoral students from universities in Central Asia and Germany.

Through the proposed project, the consortium aims to take GUCAE-Consolidate to a new level by addressing pressing issues such as working with advanced econometric methods, mutual exchange and expanding linkages in agricultural and environmental economics. 

A team of scientists and PhD doctoral students from the Higher School of Economics will participate on behalf of AIU.