Mon, Jul 11, 2022, 12:48 PM

The School of Social Entrepreneurship of Astana International University has launched the training of the social entrepreneurship basics for the first group of NGO representatives.

The business coach of the first group is Zhaksybayeva Gulnar, director of the PI "Novoye Vremya", business coach of the PA "Center for Civil Initiative", NCE "Atameken", International School of Business Coaches ICBT, coach of the International Coaches Union (ICU), certified coach of the Center for Design Thinking.

The second group of students in the Kazakh language will start on July 19, 2022. Business coach of the second group Arman Akberdiev, founder of ADS Business Group, business coach of PA "Center for Civil Initiative", Science Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NCE "Atameken" and the "Damu" Foundation.

The program includes the study of the legal foundations of social entrepreneurship, social project management, financial stability of social business, leadership in social business, social business management (project work). We wish all participants of the project success and implementation of social ideas!