Academic mobility is one of the major startegic directions of AIU's development. Currently the University has been successfully implementing programs of external academic mobility with the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)

Fri, Nov 24, 2023, 6:21 AM

Academic mobility is one of the major startegic directions of AIU's development. Currently the University has been successfully implementing programs of external academic mobility with the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU). AMU is the major academic institution in Poznań and one of the top Polish universities. The university is organized into six principal academic units—five research schools (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, as well as sciences related to art) consisting of twenty faculties and the doctoral school. The university employs roughly 4,000 academics, and has more than 40,000 students who study in some 80 disciplines.

Every year, Astana International University offers one-semester exchange program for all students. The main requirements for selection are English language proficiency and academic performance as measured by GPA. Biology students Aida Tenebek (2nd year) and Islam Temirgaleev (4th year) are currently studying at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) under the academic mobility program and they are grateful to Astana International University for the opportunity to study at one of the best Polish universities.