Guest lecture on physics

Wed, Oct 11, 2023, 10:26 AM

On October 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., a guest lecture was held at the AIU base by the leading engineer of the special design and technological Bureau of Space Technology of Galam LLP, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kazbek Suleimenovich Baktybekov on the topic: “How a physicist became a spacecraft design engineer " During the lecture, the speaker announced the main directions of synergetics, entropy, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions, the effects of synergetics in economics, interdisciplinary sciences, etc. The ongoing research and development in the field of space physics, and also discussed prospects for cooperation.

3rd year students of the Physics, K. Tugelbaeva and A. Berikbay, presented research on the movement of an electron (calculations and models) and the determination of the Rydberg constant experimentally. 4th year student Zhakan A. presented two scientific reports on the velocity distribution of molecules, as well as models on stereotactic radiosurgery. Students of all courses in the “Physics” and “Mathematics” and others took part in the event.

Responsible for the event. Head of the “Physics”, PhD, ass. professor Nurkenov S.A.