Mon, Aug 21, 2023, 2:56 AM

Astana International University is the only university in Central Asia that provides an opportunity to train social entrepreneurs on the EMBA program. The annual program is designed for managers and top managers with a convenient training schedule. Acceptance of documents until August 25, the cost is 1 190 000 tenge. 

Last year I myself became the holder of an EMBA diploma. Despite all the difficulties that arise in the development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, I am glad that there are caring people in the person of the rector of AIU who supported the idea and made every effort to implement it. Serik Aztayevich, you have entered the history of the development of our trend! I would also like to thank my dean Zubirash Kalybekovna, who was at the origin of the creation of this program, and Saule Tolegenovna, who stands up for the topic of a new trend with all her academic soul. Friends, I do not advertise the university, I draw the attention of my colleagues to the importance of academic knowledge and the opportunity to become a Master of business Administration in the educational program "Social Entrepreneurship".

Emin Askerov, Chairman of the Association of Social Innovators.

Head of the "GreenTal" social workshop