Mon, Jun 19, 2023, 6:35 AM

During the academic year, active work was with students of the scientific club of the Higher School of Economics. For students was held scientific seminar "Publication of an article: subtleties of scientific work". Members of the student scientific club Zhalgasova G., Fazilov B., Kyrykbay N. took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economic Security: State, Region, Enterprise", Altai State Technical University. In May 2023, members of the student scientific took part in the International Scientific Conference "XXIII Satpayev Readings". Zhalgasova G. won the second prize.

At the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: “AIU - 2023: Analyze. Innovate. Use” member of the student’s scientific club Yerzhan Asylym was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree. Student Zhalgasova Gulnaz became the owner of the "Best student -2023" in the International competition for students of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Members of the student’s scientific club took an active part in the International competition of scientific works of students "Genesis of entrepreneurship: from origin to the present", "Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex" at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia. The students won three prizes. At the final meeting, together with the students, the prospects for further work within the framework of the student’s scientific club were considered.