RESULTS OF THE REPUBLICAN COMPETITION "I want to become a teacher: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future – I am a future teacher".

Thu, May 25, 2023, 1:57 PM

From April 1, 2023, to May 20, 2023, the Republican competition ‘I want to become a teacher: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future – I am a future teacher’ was held at Astana International University for pupils of grades 9-11.


The competition consisted of two stages:

Essay writing;

Presentation of videos.

 In the first stage of the competition, 72 participants took part. Based on the results of the first round, 19 participants advanced to the second round.


Based on the results of the second round of the competition, the Commission determined the winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place):

 1st place – Kazhyakbar Zhumadilla (10th-grade pupil, Turkestan region, Sauran district, Shaginsk rural district, 30-years of Kazakhstana village, lyceum).

 2nd place - Aripzhan Dinmuhammed (9th-grade pupil, Mukhtar Auezov gymnasium # 86, Astana).

 3rd place - Adina Zhanibekova (10th-grade pupil, gymnasium # 3, Kokshetau).

 We would like to thank the participants, academic supervisors, and school leaders for their active participation in our competition!