Training-seminar "How to build a harmonious relationship with yourself and others"

Sat, Feb 25, 2023, 4:49 AM

On February 24, 2023, the Higher School of Information Technology and Engineering organized a training seminar on " How to build a harmonious relationship with yourself and others" with practicing psychologist Maryam Nurlanovna for students of Astana International University. The meeting helped students to expand their understanding of relationships with themselves and others, its positive and negative sides, and the state of inner harmony.

The participants tried to understand how the functional model works, and also learned about the types of needs. Practical exercises were aimed at understanding how one's own worldview, beliefs, needs, behavioral characteristics, attitudes and attitudes affect communication, its adequacy, realism and constructiveness. The participants came to the conclusion that harmonious relationships with oneself and others are not as simple a phenomenon as it may seem at first glance.