Master class "Ways to improve students' reading literacy in primary school classes".

Thu, Feb 23, 2023, 5:13 AM

On February 16, within the framework of the cooperation agreement with Astana International University, primary school teacher, teacher-master Mataeva Agliman Bultukanovna held a master class “Ways to improve the reading literacy of students in primary school classes” in Municipal public institution “Secondary School  № 9 of Altai”. The master class was attended by students of 1-2 courses of the educational programs “Pedagogy and methods of Primary Education” and “English language and primary school teacher” and teachers of the Pedagogical Institute.

During the master class, the components of functional literacy, ways to direct learning to the individual were considered. The problem of improving the reading literacy of Primary School students in the discipline “Alphabet” was discussed experimentally using specific examples.