

This year our university is starting to implement  www.beam.kz - a free job platform special for students and alumni.


Where you can get:

-      access to up-to-date student base

-      classification of students by their profiles, majors, achievements and skills

-      schedule university & college events (meetings with students, job fairs, competitions, hackathons, discussion of job opportunities)


Additionally, you can:

-      create your own events  for universities and students (meetings with students, info-session, training, seminars, workshops,  conferences, announcements & etc.)

-      create career development content for corporate ethics, internship programs, opportunities for new employees, demanded skills, etc.

-      ddd new vacancies, internships  (you can also import vacancies from hh.kz)


Sign up & join now


Call-center: +7 747 755 98 98                                                          

What's app: +7 771 222 3171


Kind regards, Career Center of Astana International University